Downtown Centro
→ is the term used for Downtown Center of the Old City Proper of Davao City. And because the downtown area is growing, and it becomes bigger and much wider now, so I divided it also into Downtown North, Downtown South and the Downtown Centro.
Pls. take note that I used these name for the purpose of my Real Estate website only and it has nothing to do with the official map of Davao City.
Here are the list of Subdivision and Condo:
Downtown Centro (Uyanguren, Acacia, San Pedro, Claveria and the nearby area. )
Magallanes Residences (Condo)
Avida Towers (Condo)
Downtown North (Bajada, Obrero, Lanang, Agdao)
Monte Clair
Camella Northpoint (Condo)
Linmarr (Condo)
Downtown South (Ecoland, Matina Crossing, Matina SIR, Maa & nearby area.)
South Grove
Wood Lane
Villa Señorita
Monteritz Classic Estate
Twin Palm
Villa Azalea
River Front
Tressia Town House (all units sold out )